General Post

Terminations TODAY

Sat, Jan 11 2025 11:31:37 AM PST

I will be doing stream terminations TODAY of all overdue streams. If you are in late status & wish to keep your stream, I would advise to come renew asap. I will start doing these terminations in 30 minutes. We do NOT recreate streams *unless* they are VIP licenses (that is their perk of being licenses). There are approximately 11 expired steams so I’d recommend double checking to make sure that isn’t you. LM to store 1st tab in my picks.

Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

General Post, Maintenance Notices

Update to port changes: Please read.

Hey there! I just wanted to give an update to this post. There have been many who have voiced their concerns in doing this. I apologize for causing any stress. I will make this easier on everyone and only update streams that are affected. What does this mean? It means that unless your port number causes an issue with other streams/ports at anytime in the future, only then will I change it.

Hopefully this helps to not cause anyone to panic. I will reach out to you if this happens and you’ll be able to chose your next port number (given it is available). I am again so sorry. Thank you for understanding. If you have issues, questions, concerns, etc please always reach is what we are here for 🙂 ♥😊 –Lexxi

General Post, Maintenance Notices

!!! IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ !!! (added notes)



Sat, Dec 28 2024 2:08:48 PM PST

Hiya! If your port begins with anything outside the 8000 to 9999 range, I will *need* to change your port number to be within this range. Why? Because I was informed by the developers that ports outside that range can conflict with other systems in place: i.e. autodj functions (just had this issue with a customer). I will be reaching out to each person by IM & NC. Please don’t get too upset with me or give me grief as I cannot help it & this is the solution to preventing further issues from happening.

**Added: This will take me a bit to reach out to everyone so please be patient. Please note that if I don’t get a response within a few days, I will have to change it and move on to the next customer. I cannot hunt people down and I cannot have people telling me no because this isn’t an option, this is the only solution to fix the conflicting issue.

see developers response, in case there are those who happen not to believe me lol:

Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

Current Sales, General Post

The Secret is Out—Your Wish Awaits!

Today is the day! The hush breaks, the secret is free, and your dream of an impossible deal becomes reality. For L$1111, which is one month of service (give or take on some plan options this is about a month of service or so, maybe 2 months for one plan our VIP Budget license but the deal is the same) of streaming and unlock a full year—yes, an entire year , 365 days will be added to your account!! This is the gift you never thought you’d receive.

But there’s a twist: to claim this extraordinary offer, you must first find the hidden elf. Rumor has it, he’s feeling a bit mischievous—perched quietly on a shelf, just beyond the reception desk. Keep your eyes high and your smile wide; “elf on a shelf” isn’t just a phrase today, it’s your key to unlocking a year’s worth of streaming magic.

When you find him, click his FEET for further instructions. Seize this special offer before it’s gone.Alright…No more hints. Just you, the elf, and a holiday miracle come true.

Please give a huge thank you to TC Foden –  it is because of them this special is happening….They’ve been asking for this one for years and welp, TADA😁✨💖

**Special offer specifics:

  • This offer is for existing & new customers.
  • New customers have to purchase a month on any stream plan as normal before being able to claim this offer. If you want to get a license as a NEW customer, you’ll need to purchase a license as normal before being able to take up the offer. You’ll be instructed to do so if you are a new customer/customer without a stream and/or license already in our system.
  • New customers/license holders will have 24 hours to make their purchases as normal or risk losing out on the sale by being refunded. I will NOT chase anyone.
  • Existing customers you’ll just pay the L$1,111 on the elf vendor then time will be added in 24 hours & I will contact you to let you know once I had added that time for you.
  • Please give me a little grace in case this offer is popular, I promise I will get to yours.
  • This sale ends in 72 hours: December 14th, 2024 at 11:11PM SLT.
  • Subject to change, updated, be edited, etc at anytime without notice, check here for updated details.
  • You can redeem this offer up to 3 times per customer (so 3 streams owned by 1 person).
  • This can be gifted using the vendor system, select gift and the person you want to gift it to.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from us at Hostcrate — Thank you, LustyLexxi Larimore

General Post

📣 Introducing the Elite Stream Plan! 🎶

📣 Introducing the Elite Stream Plan! 🎶

Attention DJs, clubs, and broadcasters in Second Life: Get ready to elevate your streams to the ultimate level with our brand-new Elite Stream Plan! 🚀

🎧 What’s Included in the Elite Stream Plan?

  • Crystal-Clear Sound: Up to 320kbps bitrate for unmatched audio quality.
  • Massive Listener Capacity: Support for up to 2000 listeners—perfect for high-traffic events and packed clubs!
  • Unmetered Bandwidth: Stream without limits or interruptions.
  • Free Custom URL: Make your stream professional and memorable with a personalized URL.
  • AutoDJ Feature: Seamless, hands-free streaming with 20GB of included storage for your tracks, ads, and playlists.

Who’s It For?

The Elite Stream Plan is perfect for:
🎵 DJs looking to deliver top-tier sound quality.
🎤 Clubs hosting large-scale events or concerts.
📻 Broadcasters aiming for a professional, high-capacity stream.

💰 Pricing

  • Weekly: L$1,200
  • Yearly: L$43,200 (with 3 months free!)
  • RL Monthly: $25.00 USD / Yearly: $225 (with 3 months free!)
  • Upgrade just the to the bitrate to any plan: L$300 per week additional

🔥 Why Choose the Elite Stream Plan?

  • Premium Sound: Impress your audience with studio-quality audio.
  • Scalability: Host large crowds without worrying about bitrate limits (except for AutoDJ functions as that is limited by the software to 128kbps automatically.
  • Easy to Manage: AutoDJ and storage make setup a breeze.
  • Professional Branding: Your custom URL sets you apart. By request, just reach out!

📩 Ready to Upgrade? Contact LustyLexxi Larimore in-world if you’d like to upgrade (see how upgrades work by going to this page )🎉Otherwise you can just rent a new stream as they are ready to rent at our  inworld office.

Let’s take your Second Life streams to the Elite level! 🌟

*Be sure to read our terms of service before purchasing and/or upgrading.

#SecondLife #DJPlan #EliteStream #UnmatchedQuality #SecondLifeBroadcasting

Current Sales

“Gobble Up the Savings” Sales Promotion (Nov 2024)

Dates: November 24, 2024 (Thanksgiving) – November 30, 2024 (End of the Week)

Feast on Deals for Your Stream! The best savings are served fresh this Thanksgiving!



Contact me if you need any help, clarification, etc.
Please note: I will be unavailable to redeem sales on Thanksgiving (Nov 28, 2024) as I will be with family and that time is dedicated to them. I will resume the next day!

  • Offer 1:
    • Sign up OR upgrade for any yearly plan and receive an extra 3 months free
    • Includes a bonus storage upgrade:
      • RADIO PLAN / 5GB VIP License → 10GB (normally 5GB)
      • CLUB PLAN / 10GB VIP License→ 15GB (normally 10GB)

Black Friday Flash Sale

  • Offer 2:
    • 50% off payments for any plan paid new customers & renewals for 3 months then regular price thereafter.

Renewal Discount Promos

1. 3-Month Renewal Discount

  • Offer:
    • Renew for 3 months and get 10% off the total price.
  • Examples / this goes for all of our plans including VIP licenses:
      • Regular: L$3,600 / $15USD
      • Discounted: L$3,240 / $13.50USD
      • Regular: L$7,200 / $30
      • Discounted: L$6,480 / $27

2. 6-Month Renewal Discount

  • Offer:
    • Renew for 6 months and get 15% off the total price.
  • Examples / this goes for all of our plans including VIP licenses:
      • Regular: L$7,200 / $30
      • Discounted: L$6,120 / $25.50
      • Regular: L$14,400 / $60
      • Discounted: L$12,240 / $51

3. 12-Month (Yearly) Renewal Discount

  • Offer:
    • Renew for 12 months and get 20% off the total price.
  • Examples / this goes for all of our plans including VIP licenses:
      • Regular: L$14,400 / $60
      • Discounted: L$11,520 / $48
      • Regular: L$28,800 / $120
      • Discounted: L$23,040 / $96

4. Pay for 4 Weeks, Get 1 Free

  • Offer:
    • Pay for any 4 weeks in advance and get 1 additional week free.
  • Examples / this goes for all of our plans including VIP licenses:
      • Pay: L$1,200 / $20 for 4 weeks.
      • Get: An extra week worth L$300 / $5 for free.

5. Pay for 10 Weeks, Get 2 Free

  • Offer:
    • Pay for any 10 weeks in advance and get 2 additional weeks free.
  • Examples / this goes for all of our plans including VIP licenses:
      • Pay: L$6,000 / $50 for 10 weeks.
      • Get: An extra 2 weeks worth L$1,200 / $10 for free.

6: Pay for 2 Years, Get 6 Months Free

  • Offer:

Renew for 2 years (24 months) and receive 6 months free

That is all the deals we have for this month. New fresh deals for Xmas will be posted in December 🙂

General Post

*UPDATED* Web Hosting: Price Change effective Friday, November 1st, 2024

We would like to inform you that cPanel has announced another price increase this year. Consequently, we will also need to adjust our pricing to reflect these changes.

What’s Changing:

  • Base Service Price:
    Web Hosting services with the primary domain will increase by $7.00 USD monthly on each plan offered. If you are on a yearly plan, the changes will not take place UNTIL time for your renewal.

If you do not have web hosting services with Hostcrate, this will not apply to you *but* there may be price changes coming for streaming services. This depends on the server pricing for a new datacenter to which I am still seeking to find a better place. We *may* keep the current datacenter (at least 1 server) but this will depend on customers who wish to stay with the current datacenter. A notice / post will be sent out once I know.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, feel free to reach out. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support. We greatly appreciate it!!!

General Post

New Server Testing

New Server Testing
Sun, Sep 01 2024 11:35:38 AM PDT

I have a new server at a different datacenter so if anyone is willing to spend some time on giving it a good test, please send me a message and I’ll shoot you over an account to test out.
This datacenter is in New York & not Dallas in case anyone was wondering the server location. Will be testing this server for at least a few weeks (we have a month on it). If it goes well, it’ll be available for anyone who wants to switch to it.

Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

General Post, Outages/Network Issues

[FINAL UPDATE] We’re down – This post will be for updates

Update 8/31/2024 @ 4:35PM SLT / 7:35PM EST:  The servers are stable and back online. The datacenter was under a heavy ddos attack which caused the issues. Everything should be good now as they mitigated the incident. Thank you again for your understanding & patience. –Lexxi


Update 8/31/2024 @ 11:33AM SLT / 2:33PM EST: The servers are up ** BUT ** they are laggy. So I wouldn’t recommend streaming on them currently. I am still awaiting for them to give a go ahead and everything is fixed by the datacenter. –Lexxi


Update 8/31/2024 @ 10:05AMSLT / 1:04PM EST: Im so sorry, they gave an all clear but the servers are down again. I am keeping an eye out and will keep you posted here on this page.


Update 8/31/2024 @ 9:07AMSLT / 12:07PM EST:

Servers are back online. The issue was a DDoS attack on the network which brought them down. I greatly apologize for the issues. I am looking into another datacenter to offer backups, etc. I will be looking for people to beta test new servers once I get them. Look for that notice here on this site. Thank you for your understanding & patience. I very much appreciate it more than you know. –Lexxi


We’re down. I’m m so sorry. I just woke up. It’s not you, it’s us. I put in an emergency ticket and am waiting for a response. Will keep everyone posted. I’ll be online shortly. –Lexxi

General Post

Heads up: Please read

Heads up: Please read
Mon, Aug 05 2024 10:19:52 AM PDT

Hiya! Just an advance notice that I will be away & mostly unavailable from Oct 20, 2024 – Oct 27, 2024. I will only be available for emergencies like servers/services being down. I will bring my laptop but won’t be on it unless I *need* to be for the above reasons. Please understand that this time will be spent with my dad (he is sick) & friends. I have an amazing CSR, Kirana Rawley, who will be able to reach me if necessary & help while I’m away.

Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

(Sorry, no take backs as the plane tickets have been booked lol)