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Sale Offers & Why I’m so far behind.

Full transparency: These sales are being done because I need a new computer & that is where the proceeds will be going. I’m to a point where it takes over an hour to just to see anything or move sometimes when I sign on or I have to try to login 3+ times to see anything/move … All I see is:

So I’m guessing this computer will not last much longer.

Besides the fact that I’m understaffed…This is another reason why it is taking me so long to do the work I am behind on and on top of trying to mix in doing hiring interviews (which I haven’t been able to get in the time) so I am SO sorry. If you wish to tip instead you can by paying any of the tip boards at the office. No obligation/pressure!


Get our RL radio plan for 70%ish off! Normally $19.99USD a month on sale for $60USD/a year ($5USD/a month)!

Unmetered Listeners
Unmetered Bandwidth
10GB of space / AutoDJ

Can pay in USD or L$ (L$16800).
Get our RL Lifetime License 10GB plan for $60USD (Normally $202.99USD) one time & $19.99USD/yearly support renewal with FREE premium support with this offer. 6 months renewal support included. Extra Space: $1.49USD/Mo/GB

Can pay in USD or L$ (L$16800).
Hostcrate Storage is now available! Get a 10% discount when putting L$300 upon renting a space for your servers/dropboxes automatically. Starting at only L$5/week!!
Turn any stream account into an Immortal Stream (never expires/no fees for as long as Hostcrate is in business) for only $100USD / L$28000. A savings of 50% plus all the savings from no renewal fees!! (Normal price is L$L$50,000/USD: $200.00). No spot limit but does expire soon.

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