Hey there!
Just wanted to keep everyone posted on what is going on….. here we go.
I have to re-establish all rental boxes that are NOT budget streams, the budget stream boxes were NOT affected.
I will need everyone to send me their stream notecard(s) to me directly, please so this can go a bit faster I hope. Just put your SL Avatar name inside your stream notecard at the top (no display names please).
This process will take me some time to do. NO ONE NEEDS TO PAY THEIR RENTAL BOX DURING THIS TIME, PLEASE! I will keep everyone posted via this page so please check it daily just in case I forget to send a notice inworld…..It is important! This is important. THIS is exactly why reading notices no matter where I post them is important as it keeps you as a customer informed of any situations that may occur.
Thank you to everyone who has been so kind, understanding, and ever so helpful. You really helped just by that kindness….keeping me from an all out panic mode lol.
Anyhow, Back to work I go. Thank you again –LustyLexxi Larimore
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