Monthly Archives:

January 2023

General Post

I’m moving in RL

I’m moving in RL
Sun, Jan 29 2023 4:52:16 PM PST

Hiya! I am moving in RL to another state so I won’t be available tomorrow as our internet service will be cut off. I will do my best during this time to answer any questions/etc. I’m not sure when I will be arriving at our hotel destination but I will sign on as soon as we are at our hotel. Sending notecards or reaching out via Hostcrate’s Discord is best – otherwise your message may get lost.

Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

Expired Sales

Valentine’s Day Promo (2023)

Hey everyone!!!!!

Let me start by saying that in order to redeem any promos, you must contact me 1st. Please do not pay the renewal ATM until I instruct you to. The system cannot process promotions so they are all done manually by me which is why you need to contact me to redeem 🙂

The promo is the most popular one we have put out…… It is renew 1 week, get 1 free. The only limit is that it expires on February 17th.

I will have another promo to celebrate my RL birthday which is on the 18th so look out for that 🙂

Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

General Post

Officially Moved

Group Notice Sent by: LustyLexxi Larimore
Officially Moved
Hostcrate has officially moved to its new office location. I am still working on moving the remaining accounts over (should be done this week). If you are in overdue/expired status, you’ll be risking termination within the next few hours as I will be performing stream terminations of all expired streams. I have sent a lot of notices.


Thank you
LustyLexxi Larimore

Price change notice in case you missed it:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

General Post

Account moving update


I just wanted to keep everyone updated on what is happening. The price increase change has already taken affect. I am now working on moving everyone over to our new rental system as we will no longer be using CasperLET rental boxes. This may take me a hot minute so please be patient and bear with me as I am only one person moving everyone’s account into the system. Once I have finished, I will send a notice that it has been completed so keep an eye out.

Please direct any questions, comments, and/or concerns my way if you have any.

Thank you,
LustyLexxi Larimore