Monthly Archives:

May 2021

General Post, OWNER SPECIALS, Updates

Sale Offers & Why I’m so far behind.

Full transparency: These sales are being done because I need a new computer & that is where the proceeds will be going. I’m to a point where it takes over an hour to just to see anything or move sometimes when I sign on or I have to try to login 3+ times to see anything/move … All I see is:

So I’m guessing this computer will not last much longer.

Besides the fact that I’m understaffed…This is another reason why it is taking me so long to do the work I am behind on and on top of trying to mix in doing hiring interviews (which I haven’t been able to get in the time) so I am SO sorry. If you wish to tip instead you can by paying any of the tip boards at the office. No obligation/pressure!


Get our RL radio plan for 70%ish off! Normally $19.99USD a month on sale for $60USD/a year ($5USD/a month)!

Unmetered Listeners
Unmetered Bandwidth
10GB of space / AutoDJ

Can pay in USD or L$ (L$16800).
Get our RL Lifetime License 10GB plan for $60USD (Normally $202.99USD) one time & $19.99USD/yearly support renewal with FREE premium support with this offer. 6 months renewal support included. Extra Space: $1.49USD/Mo/GB

Can pay in USD or L$ (L$16800).
Hostcrate Storage is now available! Get a 10% discount when putting L$300 upon renting a space for your servers/dropboxes automatically. Starting at only L$5/week!!
Turn any stream account into an Immortal Stream (never expires/no fees for as long as Hostcrate is in business) for only $100USD / L$28000. A savings of 50% plus all the savings from no renewal fees!! (Normal price is L$L$50,000/USD: $200.00). No spot limit but does expire soon.

General Post, Maintenance Notices, Updates

Rescheduled Maintenance

Rescheduled Maintenance
Thu, May 13 2021 1:35:52 PM PDT

The reboots that are suppose to be on the 15th will be rescheduled for Monday at 12PM SLT. They will take a bit longer than normal for updates. I will send notice once all is cleared. If you have premium support, your stream/audtodj will be turned on for you otherwise you’ll have to log into your control panel & click start. I’m sorry for the inconvenience & lack of more advance notice that I usually give. Please be patient & understanding while I’m only 1 person doing the jobs of several people. Thank you –LustyLexxi Larimore

General Post, Updates

Win a free year of service fish bowl! + Hostcrate Storage Now Available!

Win a free year of service by entering our fish bowl (it’s red)
Gigli Isles (204,98,1581)Must have group tag on. Drawing has been pushed back to Friday 12PM SLT!

Also, we now offer server/dropbox/etc hosting. See below for info, pricing, & landmark.

Last Update: 5/4/2021

Guide Lines:
Be kind.
Keep your object(s) inside the rack(s) that you have rented. If you need more prims/land impact, please rent additional racks. If none are available please contact LustyLexxi Larimore.
All objects placed should be scripted properly so that it is not a drain on the regions script resources. (Examples: CasperVend DropBox, BSM Server, etc.) Scripts that behave properly mean a better working environment for everyone!
Do not exceed your prim limit. You’ll be warned only once.
There are no grace periods so please pay your rental on time or you’ll risk having your items returned for non-payment.
Storage Rental Pricing:
All available storage racks are green boxes. If grey/locked, they are unavailable
If there are none available, please contact LustyLexxi Larimore to get one opened for you.
1 Prim/Impact Storage Rack: L$ 5/week
2 Prim/Impact Storage Rack: L$ 10/week
5 Prim/Impact Storage Rack: L$ 25/week
10 Prim/Impact Storage Rack: L$ 50/week
15 Prim/Impact Storage Rack: L$ 75/week
50 Prim/Impact Full Space: L$250/week
All rentals start with a minimum of 1 week. You may pay on a weekly or pay ahead up to 3 years..
As a thank you, if you spend L$300 (or more) in one payment, get a 10% discount!
You’ll have to pay in the normal amount at first, but you will be refunded the difference within minutes!
We currently only have one area for storage rentals. More will be added as needed.
Direct Landmark to the storage area:
Please use the Teleporter within each area to get from one level to another.
Expired Sales

Sales Galore – We’re turning 13! (updated: 5/5/2021)

Hostcrate is turning 13 on May 4th, 2021! To celebrate we are throwing out some amazing specials! Please take advantage of them while you can as everything will expire at the end of May! Thank YOU for all you have done….without you, Hostcrate wouldn’t still be around and kickin’ *giggles* 💖

** To Claim please contact LustyLexxi Larimore directly. DON’T pay your rental box until given the go ahead. There will be no refunds given **


  • Renew 4 weeks, get 4 weeks free.
    (Any plan. One time use per customer. Can be combined.)
  • Renew 1 year, get 1 year free
    (club/radio plan. One time use per customer. Can be combined.
  • Renew 3 years, get 2 years free.
    (Any plan. One time use per customer. Cannot be combined.)
  • Purchase a lifetime license, get premium support free for as long as you are up to date on support renewals. You’ll lose premium support if you lapse.
    (Any license. Cannot be combined.)
  • Get premium support (we will restart your stream after any reboots/maintenance whether scheduled or not) for only L$25/week or L$1300/year. Keep this rate unless you lapse in payment. TP to vendor by clicking here.
  • Win a free year of service by entering our fish bowl (it’s red)
    Winner will be drawn on May 4th, 2021 at 12PM SLT (3PM EST).
  • Email notifications will be an added service that is coming soon. Get a spot to get it at a discounted rate of only L$25/week. You’ll be added to a wait list board then once released, you’ll be requested to pay the fee.
  • To celebrate Hostcrate being 13 – here is an exciting special!
    Get An Immortal Stream which will never expire – No more fees for as long as Hostcrate is in business! This sale only applies to a *new* budget stream. Only 3 available. Ends May 8th, 2021 at 11:59PM SLT.
    No need to contact me, you just pay the vendor.

    Price: L$10,000! A *HUGE* discount
    (Normal price is L$L$50,000/USD: $200.00)

All sales end May 31st, 2021 at 11:59PM SLT (2:59AM EST) unless otherwise stated.