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November 2023

General Post, Updates

Moving Update

Moving Update
Mon, Nov 20 2023 4:25:25 PM PST

Tomorrow we are officially moving out of the hotel by 11:00AM EST (+3 SLT). I will not have internet until the 22nd as that was there only day to get us scheduled with a tech to come set it up at our new place. Hostcrate will be closed for Thanksgiving as usual which is the 23rd. Then on the 24th, hubby & I will be driving down (9+hour trip one way) to get our things out of storage. I should be back by the 29th. Will keep you all posted.

Thank you-Lexxi

General Post

Our new office

-Updated to include the pricing. Sorry about that.


Read our last post before this one so you aren’t completely lost.

1: Beta testing the server has officially begun. So far, so good. No bugs or issues have been reported.

2: I will most likely be renewing at our current datacenter just so we don’t have to rush migrations and in case of any uh ohs that may arise. You know, technology.

3: The pricing has been switched inside the new office. And will be shared below. The new pricing will take affect on November 17th so until then you will be able to renew at the current pricing via the renew signs & hud. But you cannot do so at the office with new purchases nor reactivations signs as those are set to the new pricing structures. Hopefully that makes sense.

4: I have moved everything to the new office. I thought this was going to take me longer than it did so I will be taking everything down at the old office with a we moved sign with the new landmark. You can also get the new landmark by clicking the 1st TAB in my picks as I always keep that updated.

5: I will be working on our website and will start to be able to take RL payments with a proper billing system. I just have to wait to start this until I have settled into our new place. Speaking of, see #6.

6: We are a go on the new place! We got the keys on the 13th! They did most of the repairs, only a few things to fix. Hubs has informed me that they may be dragging (it is what they call moving onto the next job in the Union Electrician lingo) December 2nd. We have planned to go get our things from storage in Georgia the day after Thanksgiving which will be quite the drive to and from plus all the loading & unloading so I will be mostly unavailable on November 24th – November 26th. The drive alone will be 9 and a half hour drive ONE WAY plus we will probably have our doggies so quite a number of potty stops. Then it is a 10 and a half hour drive back but to our new place then a 2 hour drive back to the hotel. It’s gonna be an exhausting weekend.

That is all the updates, for now. Will be sure to keep you posted. Sorry forgot to put the pricing list hehe….here is that info:


UNMETERED STREAM PLAN (by request only):



Thank you,
LustyLexxi Larimore

General Post, Updates

A few updates

Hiya! I just wanted to keep everyone posted.

1: I ordered a server on the 4th to test their servers/network, etc. I am still awaiting on a working server.  (it’s been 3 days since their last reply & 1 day since my asking for an update…not looking great just fyi)

2: In light of #1, I may have to renew at our current datacenter even though I don’t really want to after how they are handling customers who have servers that are End Of Life and no longer supporting the management I had on mine. Not to mention the lack of help in moving to comparable servers by them, like none. Seriously.

3: I cannot continue the same pricing. Seriously. Servers are expensive and are NOT what they use to be. I’ve been paying out of pocket for a long time as I explained this last time I mentioned (& changed) pricing. I shouldn’t have to do that with a business. I should be able to pay the bills to keep the lights on with the funds earned via sales/renewals, hire customer service reps, and be able to take care of bills in my RL just like everyone does when they work a job. That is how businesses and having a job works. I lost a lot of customers when I changed the pricing last time so I do kind of expect the same to happen. The new pricing will be put into place on November 17th, 2023.

4: I am moving the office to smaller land. Once I have moved, the updated landmark will always be in my 1st pick tab on my profile. We should be all moved in by November 17th, 2023.

5: I am getting ready to move in RL too. We were approved for a 1 year lease which is 2 and a half hours away from where we are currently. Our lease begins on November 13th. Not entirely sure when we are moving in because my husband is still working at this location so once I know, I will let you all know.

If I have any further updates, I will let you all know. If you have any questions, etc please feel free to reach out.

Thank you,
LustyLexxi Larimore

DATACENTER MOVE UPDATES, General Post, Migration Update, Updates

Moving Datacenters


We will have to move datacenters by January 31st, 2024. By “have to”…we have no choice. After just shy of 10 (TEN) years with this datacenter….we received an email to which opened a ticket automatically by their system. I replied…there was a small exchange. I had to double reply as there was no response from them for 6 DAYS! Imagine if I were to leave you as a customer on read for 6 days only to reply with the response they left me…no help whatsoever. Imagine how upset you’d be…that is me, right now. I have been very angry over this.

I am so sorry this has to happen. I am looking for us a new place to call home that will be reliable. Once I find some options to try (and have the funds for), I will get into our Beta discord to give people access. This, by the way, will cost me to find a new home because servers are not free to just test (that’d be great lol) and I have to also pay for the software to put onto the servers which also isn’t free so please bear with me as my husband will be trying to help with footing the bill to help us out.

All updates will be posted here so please keep an eye out.



Thank you for understanding. –Lexxi