Want Hostcrate around a while? Support us by having your stream converted to a RL account and get special perks NOT offered inworld (Second Life)! Sure, it may be a bit more expensive BUT here are the benefits:
- You’ll help keep Hostcrate in business for YEARS & YEARS!
- Converting to RL WILL NOT lose any of the time you currently have!
- Your stream will have a SET DATE so you’ll ALWAYS know when you’re due!
- We have a grace period for payment including suspension (2 days) then termination (7 days)!
- Advance payments get quite the discount outside SL!
- Support ticket system to get support even faster!
- Convert your monthly stream into our Lifetime License & save a TON!
- Lifetime Licenses will include a backup stream from a separate DC for just in case moments where our main server goes offline at NO additional fee(coming soon)!
- Lifetime Licenses CAN convert their SL Lifetime to an RL License!
- RL customers get the option for an additional backup stream at an AFFORDABLE addon option which can be used when/if any of our networks go offline or any other of your streams go down!
- RL Lifetime License holders will receive free Priority support meaning we will reply to your support request within 1 hour of you opening a ticket/sending us a message and RL Monthly within 3 hours(coming soon).
- RL customers will be able to use our Live Chat option for support.
- You’ll get to keep your box inworld as a safe reminder of your rl due date.
- RL customers receive better promotions than SL customers & more frequently
- RL customers do not have to worry if ever Hostcrate were to have to remove services from being provided in SL.
- RL customers will be able to contact me outside SL which may include calling and/or texting me directly (coming soon)
- Club Owners who make the switch will be offered to sell our streams at their location at a discount.
- ———————More benefits may be added.
Note: To convert, we ask to pay an initial month fee at our RL price. For lifetime conversations, you pay the difference from the license you are converting to the RL license. All conversions will be sent an invoice per our billing system & verification of payment from said avatar will be requested. Direct any questions to me, LustyLexxi Larimore or *contact me to get converted!*
There may be added benefits but for now, this is all. We encourage and hope that you will consider the switch!
See our website at: http://hostcrate.com/hosting.html for details on pricing for RL.