General Post, Maintenance Notices

Hi, hello, How are you? Update from Lexxi


I hope that everyone is doing well. I’m writing this to let y’all know I am ok. I appreciate all the support and love that you have shown. I am working my way back to being fully back. I am still grieving the loss of my mom … It has been nearly a month (Feb 5th). I’m very much working through it as much as I can. I still cry daily because I really miss my mom as we were really close. She was my best friend and I miss her every damn day. My apologies for my lack of being around but this has been very tough so I’m very sorry. I’m working on catching up on everything, I promise.

I am trying my best to get back. You’ll see me on and off doing work as much as I can. It may take me a long time to get back to “normal” but I’m trying the best that I can.

I will be going through applications today and throughout the week. I need dedicated, caring, and loyal reps working at Hostcrate so please if that isn’t you, don’t apply. If you filled out an application completely, you’ll hear from me by the end of this week. If you didn’t fill out the application in full then you won’t hear from me because I need those who can also follow instructions.

There will be a reboot on February 2nd, 2019 between 3AM – 6AM slt – I’ve set the alarm for this to make sure. If you have premium support, your stream will be started for you. If not, you’ll have to log into your control panel and click start. Here is a video tutorial.

Remember, if you need any help with your account with us at all please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us using our live chat/ticket system. If no one is available, it will create a ticket for us to reply to using the email you leave. Never, ever be afraid to get in contact with us as that is what we are here for! That is the reason we removed the support bot ticket system because it was unreliable so now we won’t miss any chats/tickets. You can go directly by clicking here or go to our website at and click the blue chat at the bottom right corner (screen shot)!

I just thought I would give you an update to let you know what’s going on.

Thank you all again,
–LustyLexxi Larimore (sl username)
aka Misty (me in rl)

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