Hey there!
First, thank you for coming to check out this post. I appreciate the time you are taking to read what I have to say!!
First I would like to let everyone know that all the sales posted at https://news.hostcrate.stream/category/current-sales/ will be expiring on January 1st, 2021. If you have an unpaid invoice for any of the sales that you don’t pay before this date, it will be removed and you would be missing out on the sale.
Onto other news…
I love to write if you haven’t noticed. However, This website I want to keep completely Hostcrate related whether that is with sales info or maintenance notices. So I decided to have a website of my own to separate Hostcrate related things from my personal things I wish to share.
I will be working on this and should have the site up soon. The site will have a range of things I want to share with you but won’t be Hostcrate related.
I also had the urge to start a food blog but I think (still TBD) I will not be starting that but will just put that on my personal blog instead in case I want to share something I’m cooking or if I find a recipe I really want to share with you.
The site name is bylexxi.com and I would greatly appreciate it if you subscribed to the page once I have a subscribe button until then you can bookmark it for later. You can also follow me on Facebook to know when I post: https://www.facebook.com/ByLexxi or on my personal SL facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lustylexxilarimore Or both if you want to 😉
Thank you!
Merry Christmas / Happy New Year AND Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
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