I was given an early access update to the control panel software that we use which requires me to run an update. This shouldn’t affect streaming services as it should just be adding features to the software. But to be on the safe side, I will do this at 4AM SLT (7AM EST) tomorrow Thursday August 4th, 2022.
Per the developers the following features will be added:
- Shoutcast v2.6 update to DNAS 2.6.1 (Build 777)
- Shoutcast v2.6 will now use the same standart port of the radio with SSL. So if there is a scv26 radio on port 8002, https and http will work on the same port 8002
- Custom SSL Play ID
- Fix for icecast statistics problems.
- Auto SSL Renewal Fix
- SMTP Username allowed for SMTP settings
- Youtube and Facebook features. << client side SonicPanel Left Menu << can be disabled/enabled by the radio packages on your root panel, it is hidden on the left menu unless you enable the social stream with your root packages.
- Mount Points << client side SonicPanel Left Menu << can be disabled/enabled by the radio packages on your root panel
- Domains/SSL Certificates (Multiple Domain) << Root and Resellers
- Shared Playlists (Root User on the left menu)
- HTML Codes (Widgets) < copy paste html codes for websites << client side SonicPanel Left Menu
- JSON Output (PHP-API) A php API to be used from external websites etc. << client side SonicPanel Left Menu
- Now your resellers can add their own domains, you can also add domains from your root panel, on the left menu by the link Domains/SSL Certificates link. Then you can assign the domain to any radio on the Domains/SSL Certificates page or with your radio packages you can use any domain. You can also assign the same domain to multiple radios and the domain will show up on the clients SonicPanel.
- NOTICE: This update requires your users to click on save button for once under the manage autodj page of their SonicPanel on the left menu. Otherwise, the scheduled playlists will not work until this action is complete by the user. So you should send an email to your all clients and inform them.
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