Server ending in 147 has been migrated (cp1.hostcrate.com). The backend admin parts I will be doing on Monday, December 18th, 2023 starting at 9AM SLT. This includes the DNS A records for the IP address for all domains including the control panel domain. The DNS change worldwide may take up to 24 to 48 hours. During DNS update, the browser may connect to the old server which will result invalid password so bear with us while the changes update. For future reference the new IP address is and the control panel URL will remain the same, just changing the IP address as it is with a different datacenter.
The next server migration will be done soon as I have to order the server for this & have things setup in the backend. I will keep you all updated.
Any questions, concerns, issues PLEASE reach out to me as that is what I am here for.
P.S. you’ll be able to stream just fine as the old server will remain until the update of DNS on Monday is done and then you’ll need to update the IP address you use which is given in this post. Again, this is specific to those who are on server ending in IP address 147 / control panel url: cp1.hostcrate.com
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