A quick heads up of the following dates that Hostcrate may be closed and I may be unavailable (unless servers are down etc)
–January 5th: I know this day has passed but this is my mom’s death day. I will always take this day off as it is a difficult day for me.
–January 13th: This was my mom’s birthday. I take this day to remember/mourn her even now 5 years later.
February 14th: Valentine’s Day. Need I say more? lol I won’t be online & Hostcrate will be closed.
February 18th: This is my real life birthday. I do my best to celebrate but it’s a hard day as my mom had passed the month before my birthday month 🙁 so it’s a difficult day just for that reason alone.
If you feel inclined/generous….*causally drops this https://www.wishtender.com/lustylexxilarimore
Mar 17th: St Patrick’s Day — I’ll probably be online.
March 31st: Easter — I’ll probably be online.
May 12th: Mother’s Day — I won’t be online & Hostcrate will be closed.
This list may be updated if anything changes and/or to add further dates.
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