General Post, Maintenance Notices

Reboot Reminder & Terminations

A friendly reminder that a server reboot will be performed on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019 between 3AM SLT – 6AM SLT (6AM EST – 9AM EST). During the reboot, all streams are turned into offline mode therefore you will have to log into your control panel to click the green on button. We’ve created a YouTube video on how to do that. Don’t want to have to worry about doing this? No problem! That is exactly why we have what is called Premium Support which means I will turn on your stream as soon as the server comes back online after a reboot. The price of this service will be increasing in January so may I suggest taking advantage of the promotions we have on it.

If you get a page that says any sort of error when trying to access the control panel, it means you were banned by IP address as we have a strict firewall to prevent any sort of unwanted access so you will need to contact a staff member to have your IP un-banned and whitelisted. A tip to prevent this is to **never, ever** copy/paste, ALWAYS type in the username and password so you don’t pick up an invisible space which will give you a failed log in.

If you have a custom URL, remember that your control panel is just a tad bit different when you log in. Just use the search bar at the top and type in whmsonic and it will bring up the Shoutcast Admin Panel to your stream.

Onto terminations…

I will be doing stream terminations throughout today and tomorrow so be sure that you check your rental box at the Hostcrate inworld office. We **DON’T** offer any grace period in Second Life so once your box turns red indicating you are in overdue status, you risk losing your account if you don’t pay it before we terminate it. We will **NOT** re-open/recreate a stream that was terminated **UNLESS** you have a Lifetime License.

A lifetime license lets you reactivate your stream at any time with the same details (IP is the only thing that may change). That is the only exception.

IF you ever want to have a stream with a specific due date with a grace period, we suggest converting to a RL (Real Life) stream account. Check our promos for any current sales.

That is about it for this post. I appreciate you stopping by and reading what I had to say. Thank you for all the support in allowing us to have this page for all of our updates and information. THIS really makes my life so much easier!!!! Never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or etc. Thank you!!!

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